Unit 6 Shutdown (Breaker Open)

In January 2020, Unit 6 will begin its power rundown. Station staff will disconnect the unit from the grid and begin the cooldown process while remaining pressurized. The main heat transport pumps are still running to facilitate the next phase of work: defuel.

Return to service

The Return to Service process ensures that all systems, structures, and components meet the design, performance, and licensing requirements to return the unit to full power following the Unit 6 outage. The process includes system window closeout, system readiness for service confirmations, hot commissioning, and unit start up.

Fuel load

Fuel load marks the beginning of the end for the Unit 6 project. The main work is complete and the CNSC has signed off allowing Bruce Power to begin loading the fuel. This is the point that MCR starts to hand the unit back to Operations and the systems start..Read More

Vault work

This phase of work is the heart of the project. It includes the removal and replacement of the pressure tubes, calandria tubes, as well as the lower and upper feeders. This work is primarily completed by Shoreline Power Group. 460 feeder tubes, 480 fuel channels, and 480 calandria tubes are..Read More

Steam generator replacement

An 1,800-tonne capacity crane is used to remove the old steam generators and lower the new ones into place through ports in the roof of the reactor building.  Each steam generator weighs approximately 145 tonnes

PHT Drain & Dry, Cut & Cap, Moderator Drain & Dry

Crews will drain and dry the Moderator and Primary Heat Transport (PHT) systems. These are the last key milestones before the major component replacement begins. PHT Drain and Dry will be performed in parallel with the bulkheads installation. Moderator Drain and Dry will follow PHT drying and will overlap with..Read More

Bulkhead and shielding install

Protective shielding and 16 bulkheads are installed to isolate Unit 6 from the operating units. By installing the shielding, workers can remain in the vault when the Fueling Machine Trolley performs spent fuel runs, which generally occurs one time every 24 hour. Once the bulkheads are installed, vault pressure testing..Read More


Defueling will take place in two phases. Workers begin with the “flow defuel” method for the first stage and then transition into using BRIMS, or the Bruce Reactor Inspection Maintenance System. This system enables shutdown of the heat transport pumps which are expensive to run. BRIMS will reduce the defuel..Read More

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